Does Yoga Boost up the Immune System

Wiki Article

Theimmune system is our first line of defense against illness. It helps ward off infection and disease-causing germs, as well as healing inflammation and other symptoms when it takes an initial hit. While we all need healthy immunity from the inside out to carry us through life, sometimes our immune system can fight off the disease before it gets a chance to develop itself properly. This is why yoga for immunity can be so beneficial - not only does it help keep the immune system on track, it can also help strengthen the parts that are under attack.
Yoga works on your breathing and relaxation techniques, two areas of the body that affect the overall health and efficiency of the immune system. By improving your breathing and concentration, you allow more oxygen and blood to reach cells throughout the body. By practicing yoga regularly, you can work to improve your asthma, headaches, blood pressure and other conditions.
Yoga can help with headaches, especially if you're prone to them. Headaches happen for a number of reasons, but they are often caused by stress. To ease or treat headaches, practice yoga. The stretches and movements in yoga will increase blood flow to your head, which allows more nutrients and oxygen to reach your brain. As this happens, you can reduce the occurrence and intensity of headaches. This is a holistic approach to natural medicine - combining exercise, relaxation and diet toboost your immune system.
Stress and anxiety can also affect the immune system - one of the reasons why you might feel fatigued at times. When the immune system is under pressure, it doesn't have as much energy to fight off infection, resulting in sickness. To combat this, take a moment to breathe deeply and focus on relaxing your muscles. Yoga is a perfect way to do this.
When it comes to fighting off colds and flu, the immune system is very effective - but it needs help. Drink plenty of water, and consider taking a hot stone or other heat source to help stimulate the body. Also, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are packed with anti-oxidants. These foods can help the body fight off viruses and bacteria that might cause an illness. Staying fit and taking antioxidant supplements like vitamin C can also help. Vitamins A, C and E all play an important role in boosting the immune system.
Yoga also helps improve circulation. Your lymphatic system brings lymph fluids and nutrients to every part of your body. If these fluids are not well distributed, your immune system may not function properly. Lack of proper lymphatic drainage weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to disease. Yoga helps you get more fluids going throughout the body so that you can flush toxins out and maintain optimal health.

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